Sunday 11 May 2008

A testimony...

The great wonders of the Holy Spirit in relationships
Matthew 11: 28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
AMEN! *Cough* This is Victor Ho speaking, a child of God, via a facebook note (for some reason, I cant get along with blogs, especially starting one, so bear with me) AND to be honest - WHAT AM I DOING HERE?
"I have got heaaaps of assignments to worry about, looooots of project work to stress about and soooooo much other entertaining things to do on my HP Pavilion Entertainment PC. Why am i wasting time writing stuff like this?" <--- Now, that's what the OLD victor ho will normally say, I can assure you THAT!
Just been thinking for the past few days - what kinda person would I be today if I have decided NOT to attend a spiritual encounter camp 2 weeks ago? MY GOODNESS! The thought is unbearable. In a nutshell, I would have failed to see and experience the amazing wonders of the holy spirit working deep inside me and be a wretched sinner in my Heavenly Father's eyes! There's just so much I wanna share with everybody I know regarding what God has done in my life especially after the encounter, so much that this one note cannot hold, so I will post more from time to time!
Most of you might know this but for the convenience for those who doesn't, I was in a relationship with a faithful servant of God named Christy for about a year now. Yes, a faithful servant of God! When I first met her, she's a catholic with this desire to know more about God, unsatisfied with who she was. God saw this. And hence the relationship. Read on:
The relationship went well for the next few months with minimal conflict, although we both were still in state of shock - how did it begin?? Not even a single date! In one fateful night, God just moved my hands towards her (I have ZERO control) and on the other side, God was telling Christy, "Do not reject his hands. Hold his hands". And PRESTO, we got together - with no knowledge of each other's full names and birthdays or favourite colour. Certainly not an entry into a "How To Get a Partner" book if there's ever such a thing.
At the start of this year, the relationship takes a deep dive - we almost could not agree on anything ending up in disputes and anger and resentment, you get the idea. There's just so much unforgiveness in this relationship and went on for the next few months. Then spiritual encounter camp started. During one of the sermons, God actually spoke to me, "Victor, I have seen what you are undergoing, just let go, you have done enough, the purpose is served.. LET GO" and images of the things we did wrong in God's eyes flooded my head and the real purpose in our relationship. I was revealed that.. the sole reason I actually had my target set on Christy out of the blue, last year .... was to bring Christy to Christ through... me. God knows and planned - I was used to bring Christy to Him!! During the 1 year of the relationship, she began to know her heavenly father more intimately compared to when she was catholic since I brought her to NLCC. I was overwhelmed by what the Holy Spirit has done in her llife - she's always on fire and power and zeal worshipping God!
We broke up. I told her on saturday during the camp, although initially reluctant, but I have to obey. She understood the reason as we clearly knew that our relationship is unpleasant to God's eyes - He doesnt want it to continue and we continue sinning AND the purpose is already served. I merely obeyed what God tells me to do. I believe God wants us to be serving our purpose on earth, doing his works, saving the lost, and I wanna be on that right track heading towards our ultimate goal. I know God has great plans ahead of me, Christy and all his children on Earth.
the old Victor before camp is gone, and this new one is gonna do works in His name, according to what He has planned for me. We might never know, Christy and Victor might start all over again in the future if its according to God's will and when we are equally yoked - or else, I am very sure God has someone else more suited for the both of us, because God has nothing but great plans for the both of us - GOD IS GOOD!
I pray for everyone out there today- For singles: I pray that you will have faith that this God who's our redeemer, our saviour, our deliverer and our lord - provides for his children, with his abundant love, mercy and grace and believe that God has great plans for each and every one of you, as He sees your hearts desires and provide you with a life partner who will walk with you in God's love.
For couples: I pray that your relationship will be forever blessed and pleasant in God's eyes, where the both of you aim for not the temporary reward, but eternal treasures in heaven, and demonstrate God's love to everyone around you, putting God above everything else.
Proverbs 3: 3-4 "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
Note: This is something that my friend Victor asked me to read. I hope that this will encourage you like how it encouraged me.

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