Tuesday 2 December 2008


Wow, never did I thought that my the first day of my last semester in uni would arrive. But it did. Today's the day. I can't believe that in another 4 months' time I would already have finished my course of 4 years. The 4 years just went by in a flash. And what did I do today? I confusedly did my add drop, not being able to decide whether I should take this elective or that elective. And whether the electives that I choose will be too hard for me to cope. This is probably the last time in my life that I only have to fret about which subjects to choose. After this, life is gonna get much tougher.
Rushing to my first class, I reached about 20 minutes late and there was still no lecturer. Oh well, seeing that it's the first day of the semester, it's only natural that some lecturers don't enter the class. The best part was, we discovered the notice about the lecturer not entering class pasted on the door to another classroom in another building. Huh? After about 3 minutes, we decided to go over to another faculty for a talk by some major power company. And they couldn't get the projector started. So the guy resorted to having speak about his company to us without the visuals. After half an hour, off I went to my next class.
And if it wasn't enough, the next 2 lecturers were both long-winded. Arghh...How am I supposed to get through this sem? But I did get to have dinner in Upten with my friend before our Christmas play practice. So I guess I'm going all local for these few weeks. Till I get over my reminiscing mood that is. After the practice, it was off to my rented house to shower and try to rearrange my timetable. Took me quite awhile. Hehe. But finally I managed to arrange it in such a way that I'm satisfied. Yippee. Then off to our usual mamak session at the place we call "Sambal".
Boy will I miss that place and it's Indomee goreng after I leave. I guess when I leave this place, I will never forget the days of eating in Upten, playing basketball in uni, attending lectures and not to mention the accidents that I went through there. All this little details will remain in my memory forever.

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