Saturday 19 April 2008

A tragic ending...

Two nights ago, I received a call from Alwin about 1.13 in the morning. I was already sleeping then. He sounded quite frantic on the phone. But me being me, I was quite blur and hardly heard what he said. All I heard was "My father got into an accident...You find your own way to work tomorrow...Please pray for my father..."
Boy was I shocked when I heard the line "Please pray for my father..." Warning bells just started to sound in my head. And I was thinking "It must be serious, if not he wouldn't ask me to pray for his dad..." So I started praying. Hard. I knew that Alwin's father was not a Christian. I asked God to spare him. But He didn't.
Yesterday Mark and I together with my mom went over to Alwin's place to see him. The funeral from the outside looked like a Buddhist funeral. But then most of the people who attended the funeral were Christians. I overheard Alwin's mom asking their church members to pray for his father because he's not saved. And they're so confused. Yesterday the funeral seemed to be a Buddhist funeral. Today, they want to have it the Christian way.
I don't want my family to be like that. I don't want the day that my father passed away, I've to make decisions like what type of funeral do we want? I want my father to come to know my Father in Heaven. I want him to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I want him to have a relationship with God. And because I love him, I don't want him to die knowing that he'll be subjected to eternal damnation if he doesn't know God. So for those of you out there who's family members are not saved, pray...pray like never before. And claim this promise that God has given us.
Acts 16:31- "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household."
"Father Lord, I want to uphold everyone of my brothers and sisters-in-Christ's family whose not been saved. Father I want to claim this promise that You said in Your word, that by believing in You, our household will be saved, Lord. And Father, I want to see this promise coming true in every single one of our lives. I thank you Father, for all my brothers and sisters-in-Christ that they have given their lives to You. And I pray that You will bless them abundantly even as they continue to walk close with You. I thank You Lord, in Jesus most precious name I pray. Amen."
And as for Alwin, this verse is for you and your family:
"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you." - John 14:26

1 comment:

Kimmyshorty said...

i dont have alwin's number. do convey my condolences to him..