Wednesday 22 August 2007

I know, I know...

Ok, ok...I KNOW that I haven't been blogging for the past month...But I started my semester at the beginning of July, and I'm staying out of campus now...So that made me internet-less for the whole of July...But I got my internet now...Phew...finally...
I know, I know, I'm also using this as an excuse coz I DO go over to Alwin and friends' place for the internet... ;) Did I mention that Alwin is staying 22 houses away from me...What coincidence...The bottom line is I'm just too lazy...
The list of things that I've done/gotten etc. since the last time I blogged:
  1. I've gotten a new handphone (It's a K550 and I totally love it!!Plus it's white...Just like my old handphone...)
  2. I've gotten a new car!! (Ok, it's a Malaysian made car which makes it a Milo tin on wheels but still drive-able...But if I were to get into an accident...Hmmm...I don't wanna know...)
  3. I've gotten a new haircut which costs me RM68 coz they straightened my fringe (And my brother says that I looked la-la in that hairstyle...)
  4. And I've gotten a new pair of sunglasses and glasses (which means I blew my budget for last month not to mention the fact that I had to pay for the deposit of the house, the rent and the internet connection...)
  5. And I also turned 21 already...Yay!!! I can finally vote...

So basically I've managed to get whatever I have in my wishlist...Whoopee!!! This semester has been pretty smooth sailing for me...Even all the tests that I've sat for...It wasn't that bad...I thought I was gonna flunk the paper I sat for on Monday but today when my lecturer gave us back the paper, I saw that I got 27/30!!! Clap clap...And that guy ain't that good a lecturer either...But then again I guess that made his test easier for us to score...Anyway, I'm not complaining...

PLUS...This is the last week before my mid-sem break starts...Although I have only one week and I do have a lot of assignments to do, but it's a relief to not be attending classes for a week...And I can go shopping!!! I'm sooo looking forward to my holidays...I've got another test to go tomorrow night and then I'm home free!!! Uh-oh...Which means I've gotta continue studying and not blog anymore...Oppss...

Oh, and special thanks to Tai Leong for bugging me to blog again...I just saw his MSN message bugging me for feedbacks about his blogged and I remembered him bugging me to blog again...And so I did...Cheers!!! Oh, by the way, if you all happen to be free enough go and check out his blog...It's

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